SLC Public Transit


      St. Lawrence County Public Transit

March 23, 2020

St. Lawrence County Public Transit, operated by The Arc Jefferson - St. Lawrence, continues to be operational and is following cleaning guidelines from the Center for Disease Control. In an effort to minimize the risk of COVID-19, the agency will be waiving fare collection until at least Sunday, April 19th for customers needing to travel for essential purposes.

At this time, routes will continue to operate per the schedules noted at Less travelled routes may be suspended and other changes may occur based on directives from Governor Cuomo. Updates will be noted on the website.

To accommodate the recommendations of the World Health Organization, we have adjusted our standard operating procedures. Anyone planning to take Public Transit should ask themselves the following questions prior to leaving their home to ensure the safety of the driver and other passengers:

  • Is this trip critical or can it be rescheduled in a few weeks?
  • Have you had a fever, cough, or shortness of breath in the last 14 days?
  • Have you left St. Lawrence County in the last 30 days?
  • Have you been in known contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19?

Patrons that answer “yes” to any of these questions will be unable to use St. Lawrence County Public Transit until the State of Emergency has lifted. As expressed by the Dept. of Public Health, anyone who is sick should stay home.

People concerned that they may have been exposed to COVID-19 should call the hotline at 888-364-3065. Customers needing to go the emergency room, clinic, or urgent care for other critical medical issues may call 315-386-2600 and the Transit team may be able to further assist.

Public Transit buses are cleaned daily, to include in between shifts. All buses are now equipped with hand sanitizers. Please keep in mind that this situation is changing rapidly and we will continue to take direction from the Department of Public Health and Governor’s Office; updating plans as necessary.

St. Lawrence County’s Public Transit System provides transportation throughout most towns in the County on Monday to Friday. Buses are wheelchair accessible, bicycle racks are available, and there is free Wi-Fi service. Find us on Facebook @ SLCPublicTransit for more information.